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Cheap unexclusive licenses:
Cheap unexclusive licenses:
My Mork Borg collaborations:
My Mork Borg collaborations:
My tabletop games:
My tabletop games:

Skeletal Guardian
$85 digital license
original not available


At the Foot of the Orange Citadel
$70 digital license
$80 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A4 paper (+$10 shipping anywhere)


Brutal Clown
$90 digital license
$110 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Guards of the Moor Fort
$85 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Cosmic Castles
$60 digital license
$80 original ink/acrylics/watercolor/ballpoint on A4 paper (+$10 shipping anywhere)


Space Goblins
$100 digital license
$130 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Between Pyramids
$120 digital license
$150 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Adventurers in the Cave System
$80 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A4 paper (free shipping anywhere)


$90 digital license
$120 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Drakes Herder
$60 digital license
$80 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A4 paper (plus $10 shipping anywhere)


Swords of Power
$80 digital license
$90 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A4 paper (plus $10 shipping anywhere)


Green Dragons
$80 digital license
$90 original ink/acrylics/watercolor on A4 paper (plus $10 shipping anywhere)


Orcs Coming
$85 digital license
$110 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Unicorn Rider
BOOKED (motsl): $75 digital license
$90 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (+$10 shipping anywhere)


Crypt Dwellers
$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Rushing to the Sabbath
$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Stairways to the Citadel
$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (free shipping anywhere)


The Hunter
$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (free shipping anywhere)


$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Hangman Clown
$50 digital license
$75 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (+$10 shipping anywhere)


Goblin Warrior
$70 digital license
$90 original ink/acrylics on A4 paper (+$10 shipping anywhere)


Troll hidden behind a Tree
$70 digital license
$90 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper ($10 shipping anywhere)


Night Watch
$75 digital license
$100 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (free shipping anywhere)


Slavic Feast
2984 * 2984 pixels (CD size only) 
$75 digital license
original not available

Duel of Titans
$65 digital license
BOOKED: $80 original ink/acrylics on A3 paper (plus $10 shipping anywhere)


Doom Snails
BOOKED (motsl-example of different realities): $75 digital license
$100 original acrylic, ink on A3 paper (free shipping)


Warriors of Darkness
$90 digital license
$110 original ink/acrlyics on paper


"Scepter of the Golem King"
BOOKED (motsl): $65 digital license
$90 original


"Are you sure we should go there?"
"Well, the castle looks hostile, doesn't it?"
"Guys, please ignore my words as always as I am just a dull troll, but... isn't a castle of the evilest warlock supposed to look EXACTLY like this?!"
"Agree, but are our levels enough for so much evil? With all those teeth in the castle gate... too much Grayskull vibes, don't you think?"
"Yeah, yeah, let's discuss it a little more. As always, pfff..."
And while the brave heroes discuss their strategy, a hidden wizard's minion listens carefully...

$75 license CD/MC/LP
$100 original ink/watercolor on A3 paper (FREE shipping anywhere)


"Supreme Nekromancer"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
Original not available


"Baptising the Master"
$65 license CD/MC/LP
$150 original ink/watercolor/pencils on A3 paper (FREE shipping anywhere)


"Warlock vs. Giant"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
$100 original pencil/watercolor on A3 paper (FREE shipping anywhere)


"Warlock vs. Giant" 2
$65 license CD/MC/LP
$50 original ballpoint drawing on thin A4 paper, no colors ($10 shipping anywhere)


"Witch Siesta"
$80 license CD/MC/LP
Original not available


"Hungry Hags"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
Original not available


"Court of the Mad"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
$100 original ink/watercolor on A3 paper (FREE shipping anywhere)


"The Tower"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
$50 original ballpoint drawing on thin A4 paper, no colors ($10 shipping anywhere)


"Dark Knight"
$70 license CD/MC/LP
$50 original ballpoint drawing on thin A4 paper, no colors ($10 shipping anywhere)


"Demons Castrating a Paedo-Priest"
$55 license CD/MC/LP
$50 original ballpoint drawing on thin A4 paper, no colors ($10 shipping anywhere)


"A Carnival Parade"
$60 license CD/MC/LP
$75 original watercolors on A4 paper ($10 shipping anywhere)